I just asked this question to my local knitting guild, and it made me think.
Why DO I knit?
Honestly, when I think of knitting, I get a little poetic. I really do just love it so much. It’s such a quirky, yet classic, hobby. (Okay, it’s gone way past hobby for me, and moved into lifestyle, obsession, identity.)
I knit for the warm, fuzzy feeling of accomplishment.
I knit for the continuity between generations.
I knit for the soothing rhythm of repetition, the soft movement of yarn beneath my fingers.
I knit for the places my mind goes while my hands are agreeably engaged.
I knit for a physical place to put my prayers.
I knit so I can give someone an object that embodies my love for them.
I knit to challenge my brain.
I knit to soothe my nerves.
And tonight, I am going to knit to console myself after cleaning out my office all day.