Confession: I’m usually a big chicken.
I really have to give myself (or even better, get) a good pep talk before I get brave enough to try new things. I’m plagued by self doubt. It’s really annoying.
But every now and then, I screw up my courage and Just Go For It.
There are all sorts of things that make me nervous, and they all have to do with the question, “Am I good enough?” If I focus on it for too long, and compare myself too much with others, then I falter. But if I say, “Who cares? I’m doing my best, and that’s all I can do,” then I can take a deep breath and move forward.
I took one of those brave steps today and decided to start my own Ravelry group.
So, there it is. It will be a great place for conversations, project sharing, question answering, and general togetherness. Other than that, it’s a grand new mysterious adventure for me. I’d really love it if you’d join me.
I will be completely accessible there, so if you have anything you’d like to know, ask. If you’d like to start a discussion topic, go for it! I may even try a knitalong this year, since I’ve got some beautiful shawls in the works which I’ll be gradually publishing — one of them this weekend!
If I can find the time, there are a couple more hats and some arm warmers/fingerless mitts coming up, too. Basically, it’s a case of So Many Ideas, So Little Time. Not to mention the homeschooling that’s starting up next month and the laundry that never ends. Life is busy, and wonderful.
But there’s always knitting to balance things out. Thank God for knitting!
p.s. I went a little crazy with my graphic design (because it’s so FUN), but finally, with some help from my Facebook friends, chose one logo from all these: Come to the group to see the winner!